At Last...

Wednesday, July 8

Yippi yippi yaay yaay Yoeppi yoeppi yaay yaay!

Tomorrow off to my HOMELAND.... Kurdistan! Just CAN'T wait.. Although the beginning will be (psychologically) a bit difficult. But: I put my trust in Allah.

Inshalla you'll hear more from me in a little while... stay tuned ;)

Mi(chael) Scofield

Thursday, March 12


Key to happiness

Monday, February 2

The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect.

Grateful to God

Sunday, February 1

I'm deeply contented about my social contacts of the last week... And I gave a lecture for the first time of my life! was great. Till now I only have had eyes for science, but history is quite intrigging! Hence, I got this book today from the library.

"Behind the Scenes on Obama's Big Day"

Monday, January 26

This photo touched me...

Callie Shell / Aurora for TIME
A server at the coffee and the new President chat.